CDBakeOver is a CD/DVD burning tool that will work under KDE and FreeBSD. It is quite good and works similar to Nero. FreeBSD’s security by default will not allow CDBakeOver to work under a regular user account. The user has to open the device directly and FreeBSD (as it should) will not allow a regular user to open a device directly. Linux does.. go figure!
Install the CDBakeOven port
# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/cdbakeoven
# make
# make install
# make clean
In order to allow CDBakeOven to work from a regular user account we will need to loosen the security on some devices.
Add the following to /etc/devfs.conf
perm pass0 0660
perm cd0 0660
perm acd0 0660
perm acd0 cdrom
Add the device driver
# echo atapicam_load=\"YES\" >> /boot/loader.conf